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Portland's ‘un-Happy’ Grove High School

Sep 8th, 2024 | Category: GLEANER PREMIUM | 11:29
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#JamaicaGleaner SEPTEMBER 8, 2024: Long-standing transportation issues adds woes to already-delayed start to school year. The Ministry of Education and political representatives also came under fire from administrators at the Happy Grove High School in Portland. While the Hurricane Beryl has severely impacted the school, particularly its roofless auditorium, which also houses classrooms, laboratories, and other facilities, the issues extend beyond the storm’s damage. The school’s longstanding maintenance problems were evident in other buildings as well, with leaking roofs, missing windows, and pigeon infestations that have left waste scattered throughout. Bats have also overrun several top-floor classrooms in one of the buildings. But the problems for the students, many of whom hail from poor communities, do not stop there. The official start of school

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