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From excellence to exclusion: A blind teacher’s plight‌

Aug 25th, 2024 | Category: GLEANER PREMIUM | 25:15
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#JamaicaGleaner AUGUST 25, 2024: Despite having over a decade of teaching experience and numerous commendations and awards to his name, Coswell Barnett has been unable to secure a full-time position for the past four years. And he believes it is because he is blind. With just 25 years before he faces retirement, the 40-year-old is fearful that time to make something of himself and secure his nest egg is running out, drained by what he is convinced is a never-ending battle of discrimination, even in the face of Jamaica’s Disabilities Act and public utterances by lawmakers. Barnett has been blind since he was three years old, having been born with glaucoma.

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