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DCP Fitz Bailey reflects on four decades of service to JCF, country ahead of retirement

Jun 16th, 2024 | Category: GLEANER PREMIUM | 31:19
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#JamaicaGleaner JUNE 16, 2024: On September 7, Deputy Police Commissioner Fitz Bailey will retire from the Jamaica Constabulary Force (JCF) after serving for 40 years and seven months. And although he would pursue his dream job as an accountant if given an opportunity to start over, he regards it as a privilege to have served the police force and his country. As he sat with The Sunday Gleaner last Friday, there was bloodshed in the headlines yet again as five men were killed in Hanover. He firmly asserted that in the main, the police are aware of the identities of the criminals, but lack the evidence necessary to make arrests and secure convictions.

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