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DM Equipment’s modular container homes offer chic and affordable real estate option

May 26th, 2024 | Category: LIFESTYLE | 11:03
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#JamaicaGleaner MAY 26, 2024: Amid the dread of the current real estate blackhole that young Jamaicans are attempting to manoeuvre, Duane Marzouca Equipment Company Limited is positioning themselves as a port in the storm for protective new home owners. Through partnership with an overseas manufacturer, the Zoukie Trucking subsidiary is touting their modular container homes as the “next best thing” for buyers on a budget. Though DM Equipment Co Ltd is not new to the modular container business, they said this evolution came from a need they saw in the real estate market. Joshelle Campbell, project manager at DM Equipment Co Ltd, told the Sunday Gleaner, “We saw the outreach from the government asking for more affordable homes and we thought

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