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JAMAICA NOW: Violence flare-up in Spanish Town | Don killed in police confrontation | Mayor chopped

Jan 25th, 2025 | Category: Jamaica Now | 8:50
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#JamaicaGleaner #JamaicaNow JANUARY 25, 2025: Mayhem in Spanish Town as leader of the One Order Gang killed in police confrontation… The Government on Wednesday declared States of Public Emergency in the four police divisions - St Andrew South, St Andrew Central, Kingston Western, St Catherine South… Tesha Miller, the alleged leader of the Clansman Gang, and 15 other inmates are suing the Government over conditions at the Tower Street Adult Correctional Centre… Who chopped JLP Mayor Michael Belnavis?... Climate change or neglectful Government? Prime Minister Dr Holness and Opposition Leader Golding clash over poor road conditions… US pardons Jamaica’s first National Hero Marcus Garvey but his son says the fight isn’t over… Jamaican immigration advocates in the US have dismissed

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