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THE GLEANER MINUTE: Integrity Commission Report tabled | Police probe assault at primary school

Sep 17th, 2024 | Category: The Gleaner Minute | 1:53
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#JamaicaGleaner SEPTEMBER 17, 2024: The Integrity Commission's Director of Corruption Prosecutions, Keisha Prince-Kameka, has ruled out criminal charges against Prime Minister Andrew Holness for allegedly making false income declarations… Prime Minister Holness told Parliament today that he will be challenging several findings in the Integrity Commission's investigation report… The ruling Jamaica Labour Party (JLP) has objected to the Integrity Commission's decision to refer the report on Mr Holness' income and assets to the Financial Investigations Division (FID)… The Integrity Commission says it has uncovered that several companies connected to Prime Minister Andrew Holness filed nil tax returns despite reporting income for 2021 and 2022… The police are reporting that investigators in Portland are probing an assault incident at a primary school

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