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THE GLEANER MINUTE: Ambulance now at Sangster Int’l | Gun seized from 7-y-o | 3 rounds for JPL

Sep 12th, 2024 | Category: The Gleaner Minute | 1:55
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#JamaicaGleaner SEPTEMBER 12, 2024: MBJ Airports Limited, The operator of the Sangster International Airport in Montego Bay, St James, says an ambulance is now stationed at the airport… The St Elizabeth Police today seized a submachine gun that was allegedly in the possession of a seven-year-old student at a school in the parish… A call was made on Wednesday by stakeholders in Manchester for more to be done to address violent crimes in the parish… The National Works Agency (NWA) is reporting that the traffic signals located at Flat Bridge in the Bog Walk Gorge in St Catherine are currently out of service due to damage caused by vandals… IN SPORTS: The 2024-25 Wray and Nephew Jamaica Premier League (JPL) season,

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