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Green gold fails to sparkle: Jamaica's Ganja Farmers Struggle (Part 1 of 3)

Sep 8th, 2024 | Category: News & Features | 19:35
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#JamaicaGleaner #Marijuana #Ganja #CLA #Cannabis #Part1 SEPTEMBER 8, 2024: Maurice Ellis, a researcher and director of a medicinal cannabis lab in St Andrew, believes that a fundamental handicap to the ganja industry’s development is the rigid system that excludes traditional farmers, growers who have cultivated ganja for decades despite state repression. “Nine years later, the challenges that we had in the beginning are some of the same challenges that we have today,” said Ellis, an agro-processor and a vice president of the Ganja Growers and Producers Association of Jamaica (GGPAJ). He emphasised the need to include all stakeholders.

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