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JAMAICA NOW: Waiting for new Finance Minister | IC submits special report | Crash kills 10yo student

Sep 6th, 2024 | Category: Jamaica Now | 8:59
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#JamaicaGleaner SEPTEBER 6, 2024: Political temperature rising as Jamaica is now within 12 months of National Elections… The wait continues for a new Finance Minister… All eyes are on the resumption of Parliament from its summer recess on September 17 after the Integrity Commission submitted a special report this week… Traevon Saunchez, a ten year-old student was killed in a two-vehicle crash in Manchester… Prime Minister Andrew Holness and Education Minister Fayval Williams were among those sending students off to school in the Corporate Area on the first day of the new academic year on Monday… Twenty-three-year-old Keauno ‘Popsy’ Watson was shot dead near his home on September 1, just a day after he received confirmation that he completed his degree

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