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THE GLEANER MINUTE: Crash kills student | JLP Councillor dies | Police warn against traffickers

Sep 2nd, 2024 | Category: The Gleaner Minute | 2:06
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#JamaicaGleaner SEPTEMBER 2, 2024: The Education Ministry has confirmed the death of Traevon Saunchez, a Grade Six student of the Christiana Leased Primary and Infant School in Manchester, in a vehicular crash while on his way to school on Monday morning… Prime Minister Andrew Holness and Education Minister Fayval Williams were among those sending students off to school in the Corporate Area on the first day of the new academic year on Monday… Local Government Minister Desmond Mckenzie, is expressing shock and sadness at Sunday's death of Marjorie McLeod-McFarlane, The Jamaica Labour Party Councillor for the Aenon Town Division in Clarendon… Persons, particularly women, seeking employment opportunities overseas are being encouraged to be wary of unfamiliar persons who may approach them

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