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JAMAICA NOW: Dr Nigel Clarke heads to IMF | Race to get damaged schools ready | No oil found in JA

Aug 31st, 2024 | Category: Jamaica Now | 13:13
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#JamaicaGleaner AUGUST 31, 2024: Jamaica’s Finance Minister Dr Nigel Clarke is to leave Government for the International Monetary Fund (IMF)… Fayval Williams is among the touted contenders to replaced Dr Nigel Clarke… The race is on to get 107 hurricane battered public schools ready for school on Monday… The Office of Utilities Regulation (OUR) says it has instructed the Jamaica Public Service Company Limited (JPS) to reduce some customers’ bills in the next billing period… Energy Minister Daryl Vaz has dismissed as “fake news” claims circulating on social media that oil has been discovered in Jamaican territory… Labour Minister Pearnel Charles Jr says he does not expect Jamaica to experience any significant fallout from the announcement that Canada is to cut

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