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THE GLEANER MINUTE: New Finance Minister identified | Duane Smith to replace Dr Nigel Clarke as JLP rep

Aug 26th, 2024 | Category: The Gleaner Minute | 1:58
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#JamaicaGleaner AUGUST 26, 2024: Prime Minister Andrew Holness says he has identified a new Finance Minister amid the announcement that Dr Nigel Clarke is to take up the post of deputy managing director of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) in October… The ruling Jamaica Labour Party (JLP) has announced that councillor for the Chancery Hall Division, Duane Smith, will replace Dr Nigel Clarke as its standard bearer in the St Andrew North Western constituency… The Opposition, PNP, congratulated Dr Nigel Clarke on his appointment but said the change in leadership at the Finance Ministry raises significant concerns about the future of Jamaica's economic management and spiraling cost of living… Energy Minister Daryl Vaz is dismissing as “fake news” claims circulating on

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