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THE GLEANER MINUTE: May Pen to Williamsfield toll delayed | Dutch man pleads guilty to drug charges

Jul 25th, 2024 | Category: The Gleaner Minute | 1:56
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#JamaicaGleaner #Paris #ParisOlympics #Olympics #ParisExpress JULY 25, 2024: Implementation of the toll on the May Pen to Williamsfield leg of Highway 2000 is being pushed back to August 17… The Supreme Court today dismissed separate election petitions filed by two Jamaica Labour Party candidates who were defeated in the last Local Government Election… The North-East Regional Health Authority says it has scheduled a meeting for Friday with the staff of the medical records department at the St Ann's Bay Regional Hospital following a sickout on Tuesday… Patrick Crawford, the Dutch national who was arrested on May 9 for trying to smuggle $28.3 million worth of cocaine through the Sangster International Airport, pleaded guilty in the St James Parish Court this morning…

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