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THE GLEANER MINUTE: Hairstyle ruling may cause disruption | Bolt, Fraser-Pryce on ESPN’s list

Jul 18th, 2024 | Category: The Gleaner Minute | 1:36
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JULY 18, 2024: The National Parent-Teacher Association of Jamaica has warned that Monday’s Court of Appeal ruling on a primary school’s denial of access to a female student over her dreadlocks could further disrupt school-grooming policies … The police in St Catherine are searching for four gunmen who robbed, abducted and then shot a man and left him for dead in bushes in Sligoville … The government will be naming, shortly, a committee to review the country's disaster preparedness mechanism … IN SPORTS: Jamaica's sprinting greats Usain Bolt and Shelly-Ann Fraser-Pryce have been named on ESPN's Greatest Athletes of the 21st Century.

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