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THE GLEANER MINUTE: NMLS failures | Farmer on rape charges | US sprinter Noah Lyles faces backlash

Jul 17th, 2024 | Category: The Gleaner Minute | 2:01
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#JamaicaGleaner JULY 17, 2024: Dozens of final year students at the Norman Manley Law School (NMLS) in Jamaica are crying foul following the results received for the institution’s course in Ethics for the Legal Profession that show an “alarming” number of failures… The Police in St Catherine have charged 31-year-old farmer Jerome Hert from Guy’s Hill in the parish for allegedly raping a woman who he was accompanying home after attending a party… In a crushing blow, Paul Lowe, who has been locked in a battle with money collections firm Paymaster for more than two decades over the use of his software, had his $600-million award for damages reduced to $8 million… Defence lawyer Diane Jobson has fiercely criticised Simone Campbell-Collymore’s

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