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JAMAICA NOW: Sex offender in custody | Rideshare ban | Tufton hospitalised | Gordon House firebombed

Jun 8th, 2024 | Category: Jamaica Now | 14:57
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#JamaicaGleaner #JamaicaNow #DanielleAnglin #Valiant JUNE 8, 2024: Convicted sex offender held over murder of 29-year-old primary school teacher… The Government restricts access to ride-hailing services after the teacher’s killing… The views of Jamaica’s longest-serving Head of Government and former PNP President PJ Patterson add pressure on Opposition Leader and current Party President Mark Golding to renounce his British citizenship… Health Minister Dr Christopher Tufton was hospitalised earlier this week after he was hit from his bicycle by a motor vehicle in which popular Dancehall entertainer Valiant was travelling on June 2… The Police have launched a high-level investigation into the attempted arson at Gordon House, the seat of Jamaica’s Parliament… Another plane landing incident at a Jamaican airport… The Independent Commission

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