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THE GLEANER MINUTE: PNP wants income tax threshold increase | ‘Beachy Stout’ trial | R. Danny Williams dies

Sep 18th, 2023 | Category: The Gleaner Minute | 2:03
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#JamaicaGleaner #PNP #MarkGolding #Income #Tax #Sagicor #BeachyStout #Portland #HomeCircuitCourt SEPTEMBER 18, 2023: President of the Opposition PNP Mark Golding is calling for Jamaica's Income Tax Threshold to be doubled to $3 million to account for increased costs of goods and services… The trial of Portland businessman Everton 'Beachy Stout' McDonald who is accused of murdering his second wife, Tonia, started in the Home Circuit Court on Monday… The Private Sector Organisation of Jamaica (PSOJ) has hailed late R. Danny Williams as an exceptional Jamaican businessman, patriot, and philanthropist… Division in the family of late hotel mogul Gordon ‘Butch’ Stewart has worsened… IN SPORTS: Vice President of the Jamaica Football Federation Raymond Anderson has indicated that he will be challenging incumbent Michael

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