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News & Features | The eco warrior - Theresa Rodriguez-Moodie fights for sustainable development

News & Features | Heels to henhouse - Nekeisha Graham’s egg farming business is cracking success

News & Features | Nichole Lobban finding success through balance

News & Features | ‘Me love the sea more than anything’ - Portland spearfisherman driven by his passion for marine life

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  • 7:35 Jun 28th, 2010

    Rev. Al Miller goes back to church

  • 4:41 Jun 18th, 2010

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  • 9:28 Jun 17th, 2010

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  • 4:41 Jun 10th, 2010

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  • 2:12 Jun 2nd, 2010

    View From Our Roof (part 3)

  • 10:00 May 27th, 2010

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  • 3:38 May 26th, 2010

    A View From Our Roof

  • 3:43 May 26th, 2010

    A View From Our Roof (Part 2)