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THE GLEANER MINUTE: PM to file defamation suit | JA in disrepute says PNP | ATL Auto ordered to pay

Sep 19th, 2024 | Category: The Gleaner Minute | 1:51
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#JamaicaGleaner SEPTEMBER 19, 2024: Lawyers for Prime Minister Andrew Holness have been instructed to file a defamation suit against persons, who make public statements which suggest that he was aware that he was under investigation for illicit enrichment… Opposition Leader Mark Golding says the investigation of Prime Minister Andrew Holness for illicit enrichment by the Integrity Commission has brought Jamaica into disrepute… The Integrity Commission has recommended that the Financial Services Commission investigate Barita Investments Limited's $50-million loan to a company owned by Prime Minister Andrew Holness, citing concerns about the firm's practices… The Supreme Court has ordered ATL Automotive Limited to pay over $1 million in damages to a customer, for selling a defective 2014 Volkswagen Jetta, emphasising the legal

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