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‘Mi nuh supposed to live so’ - Homeless grandmother seeking help for family

May 16th, 2024 | Category: Special Reports | 10:14
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#JamaicaGleaner Sweating heavily from the afternoon heat on Thursday, May 9, 61-year-old Sandra Shepherd, sitting in her makeshift dwelling in Rosemary Lane in central Kingston, gets teary eyed as she reflects on the situation that led to her current homelessness. Almost a year ago, Shepherd and her relatives were awakened from their sleep by the frantic shouts of a neighbour who was alerting them to a fire spreading to their home. The fire, which she later learned was from an alleged arson attack on her neighbour’s house, eventually spread and engulfed her nine-bedroom house, leaving 18 people homeless, including seven children. Fortunately, no lives were lost, but her family’s life was thrown into disarray. If you want to assist Sandra Shepherd, please call her at

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