Wed | Apr 24, 2024

Art & Leisure

Fort Charles

World Heritage Day was commemorated on April 18, and Jamaica’s rich tapestry of built heritage beckons us to embark on a journey through time. Among the myriad stories woven into the island’s architectural fabric, two stand out prominently about...

In today’s fast-paced world, the rhythm of life often feels like a never-ending race. It’s common to feel like we’re always racing against time. The natural flow of existence has been disrupted by the hurried lifestyle we’ve created. We’re...

James ‘Jimmy’ Moss-Solomon: His Thoughts, Ideas...

Have you ever met someone, been handed a business card, and found yourself without one to hand back? Perhaps you offered an alternative, saying “Let’s connect on LinkedIn”, or displayed a scannable QR code on your phone that linked to your details...

From our earliest years, we have been told that everyone makes mistakes. The adage ‘to err is human’ is a common phrase, often used to excuse our missteps. Life is a journey filled with imperfections. Merely accepting that life isn’t perfect, or...

This week, we delve into the enigmatic Green Grotto Caves, nestled in Discovery Bay, St Ann. Originally known as the Runaway Bay Caves, this subterranean labyrinth has witnessed the ebb and flow of civilizations, from the indigenous Taino people to...

Marriage I said I do and now I can’t undo The pain I feel is beyond what words can say As my abuser lay beside me each and every day He would hurt me even in front of our daughter’s face Whenever I cry tears of blood fall down my cheeks My...

The image of Babylon, once a prosperous city and a place of servitude and oppression, was transferred in the imagination of Israel as a metaphor for arrogant, autonomous power that does evil in the world and opposition to Yahweh’s will. The...

In today’s information superhighway age, it’s easy to get lost in the whirlpool of understanding. One intriguing aspect that emerges from this is the confusion between spiritual laws and physical laws. These two realms operate in stark contrast to...
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